In August I sailed on Enchanted Princess but it did not provide the enchanting experience I have come to expect from Princess Cruises…

So lost I am found! Come with me as I get lost in various destinations as I cruise the world.
In August I sailed on Enchanted Princess but it did not provide the enchanting experience I have come to expect from Princess Cruises…
During half term I had the joy of saying Hi to Sky! As I sailed onboard Sky Princess for the firs time, visiting Scandanvian shores.
We all long for travel bans to be lifted…But until then let this post whisk you away to Canada and New England!
Recently I went on my first ever cold weather cruise! This is what I made of the ports of call on my Scandinavian Adventure.
Sapphire Princess, how I wish I was still on you! Sapphire Princess was launched in 2004, making her the grand old age of 15 years old – To this end she is also the oldest Princess ship I have sailed on; she was also the smallest Princess ship I have ever sailed on holding a mere 2,670 guests (any non-cruisers reading this will think how on earth is that small!? But once you have been on a ship that holds 6,360 passengers,
Dear Santa, define good? Because I’m not sure I have been well behaved but I still have a request! All I want for Christmas is a cruise.
Princess Cruises are my all time favorite! But I recently sailed on Royal Caribbean and this is how the Royal WOW! Measured up against my favorite.
Ten differences between the cruise line that stole my heart and the cruise line that gave me my addiction! Princess vs NCL the full low down
I am in a wild international love affair! It sounds far more exotic than it is…What I really mean is that the International Cafe by Princess Cruises has stolen my heart
Most cruise lines do some variation of a crew talent show, the Royal Variety was Princess Cruises overhaul of that and it was absolutely hilarious!